A Nationwide Skill Shortage: How You Can Help

According to the national literacy trust, over 15% of Adults in the UK can be described as “functionally illiterate” meaning that they do not possess the skills needed to pass a basic high school level English exam. Moreover, in the last few years an evident shortage in basic skills among adults has been highlighted as a serious issue.

The importance of education in adults is particularly evident when increasing skills needed to secure fairly-paid employment, increase community involvement and secure better opportunities at work. Statistics released in the Adult Education Survey (2016)  show that although access to services providing education for adults has increased with government funding, the number of adults actually using the services is still low particularly among low income households. Primary reasons why adults don’t access these services include the cost associated with learning experiences and the time needed to participate in these services.

The Bakhsh Foundation aim to support Government objectives to increase the number of adults given access to education by providing free skills classes to those disadvantaged by low income or unemployment. With a primary focus on English skills classes, the Bakhsh Foundation aim to is to empower through education, enabling individuals to achieve fulfilment for themselves, their families and their communities.

The Bakshsh Foundation provides a secure, safe learning environment with highly trained volunteers and staff.  Skills classes will be run throughout the year with a diverse curriculum including English language, cooking, IT and sewing and will be open to everyone.

For more information on our skills classes, or to volunteer with us, keep in touch via our website or social media platforms and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further queries.